Offset helical geared Lean motors

Slim. Black. And tough to beat. Offset helical geared Lean motors.

Looking for a geared motor for tight spaces? With a large axial distance? High positioning accuracy? And at the same time absolutely rugged, energy efficient and including just one cable?
Voilà: Here are the STOBER offset helical geared Lean motors.

Offset helical gearbox feat. Lean motor

Due to their extremely flat housing and large axial distance, offset helical gearboxes are easy to integrate in applications that have very tight, difficult space constraints.

These gearboxes also meet high demands for efficiency, ruggedness and a long service life.

Through direct attachment combined with a Lean motor, you can design machines that are even more compact and also reap the benefits of extremely low energy requirements!

High positioning accuracy and backlash stability

To meet higher precision requirements, the F series offset helical gearboxes are available in two backlash classes.

The hardened helical gearing ensures reliable backlash stability.

F and LM – this means a compact, precise, energy-efficient and extremely reliable offset helical geared motor.

Power density
Price category
  • Total ratio: 4.3 – 274
  • Allowed acceleration torque: 19 – 1100 Nm
  • Backlash: 5 – 11 arcmin
  • Efficiency: 96 – 97%

Find your right fit!
F gearbox feat. Lean motor …
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Branchen und Anwendungen

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Mit ganz­heitlicher Betrachtungs­weise auf Ihre spezifische Aufgaben­stellung unter­stützen wir Sie mit passgenauen Lösungen für Antriebe und Automation.

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Branchen und Anwendungen

Wir bewegen Ihre Visionen – in unterschiedlichen Branchen und Märkten weltweit.

Mit ganz­heitlicher Betrachtungs­weise auf Ihre spezifische Aufgaben­stellung unter­stützen wir Sie mit passgenauen Lösungen für Antriebe und Automation.

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