STOBER is awarded with the TRUMPF Supplier Award
STOBER is awarded as the best supplier – and that among more than 800 strategic vendors of the TRUMPF Group. In addition to factors such as the ability to supply, its unique product quality, the extremely competent consulting service and the round-the-clock flexibility of STOBER employees were emphasized.
On Friday, October 29, 2021, Rainer Wegener, Division Manager Management Center Sales and member of the STOBER management, was honored to receive the TRUMPF Supplier Award. TRUMPF, headquartered in Ditzingen near Stuttgart, Germany, is one of the world’s largest German machine tool companies with sales of approximately 3.5 billion euros and more than 14,500 employees.
STOBER was awarded as the best supplier in the category Best Overall Performance Production Material – among more than 800 strategic vendors of the TRUMPF Group. In this category, TRUMPF rewards suppliers with excellent product quality, among other things. Furthermore, the cooperation with the supplier must be outstanding, cooperative and target-oriented. And this at least three TRUMPF locations.
Markus Stapf, Group Manager for Drive Technology & Controls in Ditzingen in his laudation towards STOBER: “I am pleased that the winner of this category can already look back on more than 20 years of partnership with TRUMPF. For him, customer orientation, flexibility and promptness are a matter of course, which we as customers can only confirm and greatly appreciate. Since the measurement of the above criteria and the awarding of our annual supplier status, this year’s award winner has consistently been a “premium supplier” – and always at the top end of the scale. This performance deserves recognition!
Once again, in addition to the impressive figures, special mention should be made of the enormous flexibility and the always proactive taking of measures to support our requirements.
Rainer Wegener in his words of thanks: “On behalf of the STOBER management, I would like to officially thank all of our employees who have made a contribution to this spectacular outcome. This award is our mutual confirmation and so rewarding that it is an inspiration at the same time! We would like to thank our long-term business partner TRUMPF and are looking forward to a great cooperation in the future!”

Photo credits: TRUMPF, STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co. KG
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Kieselbronner Str. 12
75177 Pforzheim │ Germany
Fon: +49 7231 582-1660
STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co. KG
Solveig Moll
Kieselbronner Str. 12
75177 Pforzheim │ Germany
Fon: +49 7231 582-1183
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STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co. KG
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75177 Pforzheim
Fon: +49 7231 582-0
STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH
Hauptstraße 41a
4663 Laakirchen
Fon: +43 7613 7600-0