Successful collaboration with Heinrich-Hertz-Schule
Successful collaboration with Heinrich-Hertz-Schule in Karlsruhe.
Filled with Passion and FunSaving energy and using it in the best possible way are two topics of ever greater importance. Stefan Hatz and Markus Liebmann, two graduates of the Heinrich-Hertz-Schule technical school in Karlsruhe, Germany, worked intently on these topics as part of their final project.
In this project, they received valuable support from STOBER. The manufacturer and developer not only offered them the option of producing their final project, two STOBER engineers were also available to help with all their questions and provided the necessary equipment. On November 21, the aspiring technicians presented their didactic model to the school.
Daniel Lohse, Director of Business Development, and Thilo Dauth, Applications Engineer, used their expertise to help out the soon-to-be graduates with their final project. This collaboration was initiated and aided by Roland Hasenohr, a teacher and project manager at the Heinrich-Hertz-Schule. “In basic terms, the project features a motor shaft which had a steel disk attached as flywheel weight,” says Dauth.
When the motor is running, the weight rotates at up to 6,000 rotations per minute. When the drive is stopped, the disk keeps moving. How can the converted and stored kinetic energy be used most effectively? “This is an exciting topic, especially in regard to electric mobility,” says Dauth. When rolling to a stop, energy is recuperated and stored in the battery. This can later be used while driving or to accelerate. The model allows students to perform exciting experiments, for example.
Installed STOBER components include two drive controllers of the SD6A06 series with the EC6A EtherCat interface and the IO6A I/O standard, as well as two motors of the EZ302 series (Synchronous Servo Motors). There is also a power cable with an adapter which allows the motors to be disconnected from the structure more easily for transport. The model is operated and visualized via a touchscreen that is connected to the SD6A over EtherCat. This enables the user to learn more on the topic of energy efficiency easily, without prior technical knowledge.
“We gave the two aspiring technicians intensive training during the project,” Dauth says. This was guided, for instance, by discussions on site, by phone and by e-mail. “I explained the operating principle of a frequency inverter to them in detail and trained them in DriveControlSuite,” says Dauth. This project configuration and commissioning software has functions that enable efficient use of drive controllers in single- and multi-axis applications. There were also general explanations of kinetic and kinematic relationships.
Over the course of the project, the topics of fieldbus communication and DC link connection were examined in detail. Hatz and Liebmann were ultimately able to reduce the energy consumption of the structure significantly using drives with DC link connection and clever programming. STOBER engineer Dauth was particularly impressed by the open approach – despite the age difference – as well as the passion of the two prospective technicians.
This was not STOBER’s first project with the Karlsruhe school for electrical engineering and information technology. A relationship has existed for years, since Hasenohr and Lohse studied together at the university in Karlsruhe. As Hatz and Liebmann were interested in the topic of drive technology for their final project, the teacher reached out right away. The didactic model they developed will soon be used in classes at the school.

Photo credits: STÖBER Antriebstechnik GmbH + Co. KG
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